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Find a page

It is possible to retrieve a page by knowing its ID.


use Notion\Notion;

$token = $_ENV["NOTION_SECRET"];
$notion = Notion::create($token);

$pageId = "c986d7b0-7051-4f18-b165-cc0b9503ffc2";
$page = $notion->pages()->find($pageId);

echo $page->title()?->toString();


When finding a page, you will not get the content of it, only meta information and properties.

Get page content

In Notion, pages behave like blocks where the content is their children.

You can fetch page content with

  • $notion->blocks()->findChildren($pageId) or
  • $notion->blocks()->findChildrenRecursive($pageId)

The second option iterates over the content to find also their children (useful for nested content).


$token = $_ENV["NOTION_TOKEN"];
$notion = \Notion\Notion::create($token);

$pageId = "471373adacbe4247aa4b2ce06ed14026";
$content = $notion->blocks()->findChildren($pageId);

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